2011年9月-2015年4月 英国格拉斯哥大学 生物化学与分子生物学专业,博士
2008年9月-2011年7月 苏州大学药学院 微生物与生化药学专业,硕士
2004年9月-2008年7月 苏州大学药学院 生物制药专业,学士
2018年9月至今 山西大学生命科学学院特聘教授
2015年4月-2018年9月 英国格拉斯哥大学博士后副研究员(Postdoctoral Research Associate)
1 植物膜转运蛋白功能研究
2 膜转运相关的作物生理研究与遗传改良
3 蛋白-蛋白相互作用检测技术开发与改良
SYNGUARD(Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (UK),2015.1-2018.12,参与,排名2/2)
SNARE Checkpoint(Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (UK),2016.1-2019.12,参与,排名3/3)
1国际期刊Plant growth regulation编辑(2019至今);国际期刊Global Communications in Traditinal Medicine编辑(2019年至今)。
2国际期刊Plant Physiology 中文简介编辑(2012-2013)。
3 PLOS one, Plant growth regulation, Plant cell & Environment以及 Plant Physiology 等期刊审稿人。
4英国实验生物协会(Society for Experimental Biology)会员(2015 至今)。
Horaruang, W., Ruzickova, M., Zhang,B.*, and Blatt, M.R.* (2019) Mechanism of GORK K+ channel gating and clustering. The Plant Cell(Under Review; * corresponding author)
Zhang, B., Alvim, J., Donald, N., and Blatt, M.R. (2019) Alterations in Secretory Traffic with Abscisic Acid uncovers the mechanics of K+ channel exchange within the SNARE complex. The Plant Cell (Under Review)
Zhang, B., Karnik, R., Alvim, J., Donald, N., and Blatt, M.R. (2019) Dual Sites for SEC11 on the SNARE SYP121 Implicate a Binding Exchange during Secretory Traffic. Plant physiology. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1104/pp.18.01315
Liao, X., Zhang, B., Blatt, M.R., and Jenkins, G.I. (2018) A FRET method for investigating dimer/monomer status and conformation of the UVR8 photoreceptor. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences. DOI: 10.1039/C8PP00489G
Zhang, B., Karnik, R., Donald, N., and Blatt, M.R. (2018) A GPI signal peptide-anchored split-ubiquitin (GPS) system for detecting soluble bait protein interactions at the membrane. Plant physiology. 178: 13-17.
Horaruang, W. and Zhang, B*. (2017) Mating Based Split-ubiquitin Assay for Detection of Protein Interactions. Bio-protocol. 7(9): e2258. (* corresponding author)
Zhang, B., Karnik, R., Waghmare, S., Donald, N., and Blatt, M.R. (2017) VAMP721 conformations unmask an extended motif for K+ channel binding and gating control. Plant Physiology.173: 536-551.
Karnik, R., Waghmare, S., Zhang, B., Larson, E., Lefoulon, C., Gonzalez, W., Blatt, M.R. (2017). Commandeering Channel Voltage Sensors for Secretion. Cell Turgor, and Volume Control. Trends Plant Sci. 22: 81-95.
Zhang, B., Karnik, R., Wang, Y., Grefen, C., and Blatt M.R. (2015). The Arabidopsis R-SNARE VAMP721 interacts with KAT1 and KC1 K+ channels to moderate K+ current at the plasma membrane. The Plant Cell, 27: 1697-1717
Karnik, R., Zhang, B., Waghmare, S., Sturm, C., Grefen, C., and Blatt M.R. (2015). Binding of SEC11 indicates its role in SNARE recycling after vesicle fusion and identifies two pathways for vesicular traffic to the plasma membrane. The Plant Cell, 27: 675-694.
Grefen, C., Karnik, R., Larson, E., Lefoulon, C., Wang, Y., Waghmare, S., Zhang, B., and Blatt, M.R. (2015) A vesicle-trafficking protein commandeers Kv channel voltage sensors for voltage-dependent secretion. Nature Plants, 1: 15108.
Wang, Y., Chen, Z., Zhang, B., Hills, A., and Blatt M.R. (2013). PYR/PYL/RCAR ABA receptors regulate K+ and Cl- channels through reactive oxygen species-mediated activation of Ca2+ channels at the plasma membrane of intact Arabidopsis guard cells. Plant Physiology, 163: 566-577.
Zhang, B., Zheng, L.P., Li, W.Y., and Wang, J.W. (2013). Stimulation of Artemisinin Production in Artemisia annua Hairy Roots by Ag-SiO2 Core-shell Nanoparticles. Current Nanoscience, 6: 363-370.
Ben Zhang, Lingfeng Xia, Yaxian Zhang, Hui Wang, Rucha Karnik. Tri-SUS: A Yeast Split-Ubiquitin assay to examine protein interactions governed by a third binding partner. Plant Physiology. DOI: 10.1093/plphys/kiaa039
E-mail: benzhang@sxu.edu.cn